Even more fuckery……..

So, the bleeding continued and got worse.  I am now 11dp3dt and I am bleeding bright red blood.  Last night I spent two hours in agony on the sofa with “period cramps” and yet this morning this happened…….


A positive on First Response and a clear “Up the Duff, 1-2 weeks” on ClearBlue. I am going out of my tiny mind.

Seeing as this is the first positive pregnancy test I’ve EVER seen in my life, I should be elated!  I should be jumping for joy and crying tears of happiness, but I can’t.  I don’t understand why I am bleeding so much and just can’t see how one or two little embryos can be hanging on in there.

I’ve emailed my clinic to ask for some advice.  My test date is not until Friday anyway, so I’m guessing they will just tell me to hang on until then.

This is a complete and utter mind fuck.  Thank heavens I’m still off work, because I am not entirely sure I am capable of stringing basic sentences together.

I am off to have lunch with my Mum today and then have a pedicure booked for tomorrow.

Roll on Friday and please, please, please let this fucking bleeding stop!

6 thoughts on “Even more fuckery……..

  1. I really hope you’re just one of those women who bleeds while pregnant (I’m saying this in a nice way) and still have healthy babies! But I can imagine how stressful it must be for you! Hope it will stop soon!

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